Tattoo Learning – Carrier in Tattoo Making

Angel Tattoo Design Studio - Main Tattoo Shop is in Gurgaon.

Tattoo Training Institute :- Angel Tattoo Design Studio is a Professional tattoo parlour in with its Main Branches in Gurgaon and Delhi ( India ). In our Studio in Delhi and Gurgaon we have facility of Permanent Tattoos, Temporary Tattoos, Body Piercings Services. we also have Tattoo Training Courses available in our Tattoo Studio in Gurgaon – India.

Join us on Instagram as we keep posting latest updates there. "OUR INSTAGRAM PAGE"

If you are interested in tattoo making and you like to do paintings, sketches and art related works. than you should make your carrier in Tattoo making. by doing hard work and practice you will start earning from tattoos. for that you need to be professional Tattoo Artist by got trained by professional tattoo artists.

Tattoo Centre

Tattoo Making Classes

Learn Tattoos From Professional Tattoo Artists – In Our Studio we have professional tattoo artist. who gives you lessons and techniques to become a successful tattoo artist. you can start your practical tattoo practice from the first of your course. in the tattoo studio, first we will provide all basic equipments to start practicing ofd tattoo making. we provide you our own tattoo machines to start practice.

There are three basic parts of Practical Tattoo Training in our tattoo training institute :-

  • Stencil Making and Stencil Transferring
  • Practicing on Artificial Skin
  • Start doing your Starting Tattoos

For Theory Lessons and other Practical practice details you can visit our Main Website Tattoo Making Classes

Kindly have a look at our Recent Trainee and their practice and Tattoos. There are some tattoos done our trainees under tattoo training course –

Tattoo Practicing on Artificial Skin

Suraj Joshi – Suraj is corporate employee in a MNC and he loves to be part of tattoo industries and he is very good sketching, painting and drawing. in jan 2017 he approach our tattoo artist – Satty that I wants to learn tattooing but I can’t leave my Job and will join classes on saturdays and sunday’s. Suraj is now doing very attractive tattoos as professional tattoo artist.

Join us on Facebook to stay intouch: "OUR FaceBook PAGE"

You can see some of tattoos done by Suraj under tattoo training :-

Tattoo Training Classes

First Tattoo of Suraj – In Progress

Tattoo making in tattoo training

Recent Work by Suraj

For complete details about tattoo price, visit page Tattoo Prices :Permanent Tattoo Prices

Tattooing During Tattoo Training Course

Sally Nassar – Sally is from Cairo, Egypt. She come to India, 5000 KM from home just to learn Tattoo art from us. She cover all the basic syllabus in a very short duration of course. She Started Practicing on artificial skin from the first day in studio. No Doubt, She has potential to be successful tattoo artist.

Subscribe to our YouTube channel for tattoo videos: "OUR YouTube Channel"

You can see some of tattoos done by Sally under tattoo training :-

Tattoo making course

First Tattoo of Sally

Tattoo training courses

Recent Work by Sally – In Progress

Welcome to book tattoo Appointment with us :

Call or WhatsApp us at 8826602967 OR Fill the appoitment form at Home page our website. "HOME PAGE"

Our Complete address is : Angel Tattoo Design Studio ,IFFCO Chowk, 3RD Floor, Pandit Jeetram Complex, Mehrauli-Gurgaon Rd, Sukhrali, Sector 17, Gurugram, Haryana 122001

Our Google Maps Location : Angel Tattoo Design Studio"

Tattoo Artist Shaan

Shandas Shaji ( Shaan - Very Passionate about Tattoos, Shaanu is born and brought up in Kerala. he is very good at 3D Sketches and painting. and he wants to make his carrier in Tattooing and he achieve his goal in very small time he is very good line shading tattoo works. and now he is working as a professional tattoo artist at Angel Tattoo Design Studio – Gurgaon Branch. you can see some Tattoos done by shaan under training :-

You can see some of tattoos done by Shaan under tattoo training :-

Training Tattoos

First Tattoo of Shaan

Tattoo artist in india

Recent Work by Shaan

Satty - Tattoo Artist

What Satty Says about Professional Tattoo Training :-

“First and foremost is not to aim learn the art quickly or just in short spam of time. There is no magic and things get clear with time. It is just the start of tattoo learning you need to be focused at the beginning.”


Our Google Maps Location is : Angel Tattoo Design Studio"

Our INSTAGRAM Profile : Angel Tattoo Design Studio - Gurgaon"

Our FaceBook Page : Angel Tattoo Design Studio - Gurgaon"

Our YouTube Channel : Angel Tattoo Design Studio - Gurgaon"