"Angel Tattoo Design Studio" is a tattoo shop in gurgaon for best tattoo artist services at affordable tattoo cost.
Mantra Tattoo Designs - Sanskrit is very Ancient Literary and Language which is related to India and some other countries and religions like – Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism. People are getting tattoos in sanskrit since long time. Here we have some sanskrit mantra tattoo designs are made by tattoo artist in gurgaon :-
There are some Mantra Tattoo Designs including - Gayatri Mantra Tattoos, Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra Tattoo, Om Mani Mantra Tattoo, Aham Brahmasmi Tattoo, OM Trishul Mantra Tattoo :-
Om With Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra Tattoo
Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra tattoo with om – on biceps. Where Tribal OM is in the Middle of the Tattoo in big size and mrityunjaya mantra tattoo is done around the OM. as we know OM is Hindu spiritual Sound that can connect with most of mantra in Sanskrit, Hindi and Buddhism mantra tattoos.
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Trishul With Maha Mrityunjaya Tattoo
Trishul on Forearm is gaining popularity among youngsters in all over India. This beautiful art of work done with double shading with black and greywash shading. If we talk about the components of this tattoo - First of all there is trishul standing upwards on the forearm and than it is a small OM in the center of the upper part of the trishul below that there is Damaru which is instrument of Lord Shiva, tied up with rope and cloth. at the bottom there is Tryambakam mantra on the stick of the Trishul.
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Om Triyambakam Mantra Tattoo
This respectable client came us with concept of getting a mantra tattoo on his body. Our reception worked on the design options for us to show him options and explain the meaning of some selected designs. they finally came up with Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra Tattoo with the edit design. After the design part our tattoo artist executed this work.
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Karmanye vadhikaraste Ma Phaleshu Kadachana – Mantra Tattoo
Karmanyevadhikaraste mantra Tattoo with bow. Its Hindu Sanskrit Mantra written is Sacred Holy Book of Hinduism "Bhaghavat Geeta" Chapter 18. The Meaning of Mantra is related to the work of man (Humankind). Which say you have all right to work take actions on your goods and bads but you have no right/control on the result of your work.
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White Tara Mantra Tattoo – Om Tare Tuttare Tattoo
This is White Tara Mantra Tattoo, white tara means in Sanskrit is “Sitatara” which is related to Buddhism. This represent the “Mother of Buddha” Where the white color shows Purity, Wisdom and Truth. So, Basically it is tattoo related to buddha and mother of buddha. Persons who follow buddha and their teaches will get this tattoo. This tattoo includes a Japanese symbol of Strength in the the middle of the tattoo which negative shaded tattoo and also Star included in Differents colors star tattoos and this tattoo includes some musical notes tattoo and dotes which is the last element of this Tattoo.
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Our Complete address is : Angel Tattoo Design Studio, IFFCO Chowk, 3RD Floor, Pandit Jeetram Complex, Mehrauli-Gurgaon Rd, Sukhrali, Sector 17, Gurugram, Haryana 122001
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Sanskrit Mantra Tattoo
Sanskrit wording tattoo is done on old 3d manuscript it looks cool with 3d shading in it. this sanskrit tattoo related to Mother – Maa. our tattoo artist give its 3D look by adding white ink and light black ink shading.
Aham BrahamAsmi Tattoo
Meaning of Aham Brahamasmi is I am Brahmin. It is Sanskrit word . It is a Unique and Perfect design for you if you are Hindu Brahmin.
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Om Mani Mantra Tattoo
OM MA NI PAD ME HUM is a six syllable in indian religion. people are getting this tattoo because of its deep meaning. it is written in Tibetan and originated in Buddhism.
Om Trishul Tattoo with Maha Mrityunjaya Tattoo
OM is considered to be a Hindu Religious Symbol. As it is very Popular in tattooing. That’s why when are going to get a Hindi or Sanskrit Mantra tattoo it contains OM as Initial. This is a Maha mrityunjaya Mantra tattoo in done around OM with Trishul and Trishul containing Third eye of Lord Shiva. This tattoo Simply related to lord Shiva
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Ahamasami Yodha Tattoo
Sanskrit wording is very famous in tattooing. अहमस्मि योधः is a tattoo for those who have fighting spirit and want to get a fighter tattoo. The meaning of this tattoo is I Am Fighter, Where योध denotes Fighter.
Gayatri mantra tattoo
This is a Gayatri Mantra (Om Bhur Bhuvah Svah Tat Savitur Varenyam, Bhargo Devasya Dhimahi Dhiyo Yo Nah Prachodayat ) Tattoo. this tattoo is done below the shoulder. Gayatri mantra is also know as savitri mantra. in this mantra human is praying to god – Please take care of us
Aham Brahmasmi Tattoo
In Hindu Religion “Brahman” is a Supreme word and this tattoo mean “I AM BRAHMAN” . Brahman is a ultimate reality of Universe according to the hindu religion. They took this word from sanskrit for this tattoo.
Gayatri Mantra Tattoo on wrist
Gayatri Mantra taken from "Rig Veda" as i have mentioned above about Gayatri Mantra. This tattoo is done on wrist in linear way. you can also plan this on front side of the forearm
Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra with OM and Trishul
Triambhakam Mantra is also verse on "Rig Veda" This tattoo consist OM, Trishul with negative shading of maha mrityunjaya mantra.
Mata Pita Sanskrit Mantra Tattoo
मातृ देवो भव: पितृ देवो भव: Tattoo clearly defines the respect towards your parents. The meaning f Matru Pitru devo bhava tattoo is - Parents ( Mother and Father) are like a god.
Sanskrit Shlok Tattoos
तुम रक्षक काहू को डरना॥ is a 2nd half of 22nd Verse out of 40 in Hanuman Chalisa.The complete verse is "saba sukha lahai tumhārī saranā। tuma rakshaka kāhū ko daranā" which means - You are the protector, and there is nothing to be afraid of.
Tat Tvam Asi with Anchor Tattoo
This the combination of Sankrit words ( तत्त्वमसि ) and anchor tattoo done on Ankle. There are various meaning of Tat Tvam Asi but the most common is "That you are".
Sak Yant Tattoo Design and Meaning
If you are looking forward to get tattoo of Sak Yant, you should the meaning of it. The meaning of "Sak" is "to tap" and "Yant" is "Yantra" which is a word from ancient language "Sanskrit" and the meaning of yantra is Geometrical diagram. You can learn about sak yant in deep by visiting available sources on the internet but we are going to give basic details of Three most commom sak yants also called master yants.
- Hah Taew (five line) :- These five lines are all about your protection from the bad sources that includes cleaning out unwanted spirits, reverses the bad fortune, denies the effect of black magic or curse, fill good fortune to complete ambitions and gain faith of loved ones.
- Gao Yord (Buddha peaks) :- The Gao Yord is the Master Yant and is a most sacred Buddhist tattoo. There are nine peaks is in gao yard sak yant, each peak has its own importance and provides you the needs to achieve massive success in your life. Blessing, power, strength, health, invincebility, luck and destiny are few of its beleives that are realted with Budhha peaks.
- Paed Tidt (8 direction) :- There are the groups of 3 ovals each increasing in size from the top. It is a eight direction yants in circle that includes 2 mantra inside the circle. The Paed Tidt Yant will give you protection in wherever direction you are going and push away bad spirits
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Other Mantra Tattoos by tattoo artists gurgaon :-
Sanskrit wording is always in trend for a tattoo. many celebrities have done a Sanskrit tattoo on their bodies like :-
- Katty Perry and Russel Brand have ”Anuugacchati Pravaha” अनुगच्छतु प्रवाहं Tattoo which means ”Go with the Flow”
- Adam Levine has ”Tapas” तपस tattoo which means “To Shine“
- Miley Cyrus has an OM Tattoo on her wrist
- David Beckham has Victoria written in Hindi, and Many More...
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This blog is contributed by Tattoo Artist Satty
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*Google Search :- "gayatri mantra tattoo, hindi tattoo design, indian tattoo designs, indian wording tattoo design, maha mrityunjaya mantra tattoo design, mantra tattoo, mantra tattoo designs, sanskrit tattoo designs, sanskrit wording tattoo designs, triambhaka mantra tattoo, best mantra tattoo designs"
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