Learning skin types/structure for tattoo making

Angel Tattoo Design Studio - Main Tattoo Shop is in Gurgaon.

This page is for one who is going through permanent tattoo making classes or is just commencing carrier as a tattoo artist.

Here is some portion/highlights from today’s class on skin types, skin structure and role of different skin layers in learning permanent tattoo making :-

Tattoo Training Class

Though understanding toward skin comes with experience, but as a beginner tattoo artist, remember not to tattoo on “coarse textured skin” area. Example is thick skin under your elbow, also known as wenis skin. If customizing a tattoo design, you can easily avoid this area when making sketch and will be easy to convince your customer if have design in sketch form first.

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More examples are like inner side of the wrist. Each person has unique skin, so tattoo artist need to visually examine the skin and decide the amount of portion need to be avoided. Apart from visual examination, ask customer to move hand inward as much as possible, now avoid the area getting wrinkled. This will help giving a good base for tattoo to stay healthy and crisp with time.

Refrain from tattooing on side of the palm, side of the fingers, finger joints, thick skin near toe.

And again, as said earlier, each person has unique skin, so look as skin carefully before placing the tattoo stencil. Deciding propriate skin area can help in making considerable difference in quality of the tattoo. Remember its for life time.

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And even same person will have notable difference in skin from one body part to other. As you are at early learning stage of tattoo making, so opt to make initial tattoos possibly on back shoulder, or calf side shoulder (deltoid) or side calf or outer bicep.

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All these parts give good platform and has most suitable skin for making permanent tattoo. And these are also most easy body parts for a tattoo artist to work, so you can be more focused on tattooing process as a beginner. With time you will learn how different is the skin on inner bicep compare to outer and and different is to work on these.

Sensitive skin, thin skin, thick skin, dead skin, healthy skin, skin structure, skin layers epi, dermis and hypo dermis, roles in tattoo making and examples/sketches were also part of the tattoo training class today. for more information about tattoo training please visit TATTOO TRAINING PAGE

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