Full Sleeve Tattoos

Angel Tattoo Design Studio - Main Branch Near IFFCO Chowk, Gurgaon.

This is one of the latest Full sleeve tattoo work in progress 2025.

This work is one day session work. More sessions are planed to complete this full sleeve project.

"Angel Tattoo Design Studio - Gurgaon" wishes you a very Happy New year !.

One of the full sleeve tattoo in progress.

Outer forearm from wrist to little above elbow is covered in this session. More sessions to go to complete this project.

Full sleeve tattoos in India can cost Rs 60000 onwards.

For more details about sleeve Tattoo Prices, kindly visit page Tattoo Prices .

Another forearm piece we are changing to full sleeve tattoo.

Dragon is the addition to the existing tattoo, making it to covere complete forearm. Whole of this is two session work.

Will add more work to outer and inner bicep and extend the design to shoulder in comming sessions.

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This sleeve tattoo, yet very simple, but small tattoos scattered all over are complementing each other.

Middle tattoo is one year old work by us, added other 2 tattoos in running year 2025. This is a concept if one is looking for a sleeve tattoo in very low price range.

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Our Complete address is : Angel Tattoo Design Studio - Gurgaon, IFFCO Chowk, 3RD Floor, Pandit Jeetram Complex, Mehrauli-Gurgaon Rd, Sukhrali, Sector 17, Gurugram, Haryana 122001

Our Google Maps Location : Angel Tattoo Design Studio"

Read latest blog by us : Gurgaon Pepole, their Tattoos and Stories

This blog is about people in Gurgaon who got inked at our place. In this blog, our artist has shared experience of these people and some stories from their real life.

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Full Sleeve Tattoos at Gurgaon Branch tattoo studio :- If you are Tattoo Lover, then the way to express your love is to get full sleeve tattoo. Many peoples are looking for a full sleeve tattoo artist or shops nearby Delhi and Gurgaon, here is end of search for full sleeve. we have many full sleeve tattoos in tattoo studio . You can see some of our projects in this blog :-

  • Q – How does a full sleeve Tattoo Starts ?
  • Simple, a full sleeve tattoo starts by measuring the size your arm, bicep and wrist.
  • Q – – What After Measure Arm Size ?
  • After measuring, you can get your Main Design or Tattoo. example – in the above tattoo the main tattoo design is lion on Shoulder, this is a main tattoo of your full sleeve tattoo, you can see the lion design below –

First and Main Tattoo of full sleeve tattoo – Stencil Only - After the main design – choose the other material to add into a full sleeve tattoo or you simply ask your tattoo artist to suggest what looks more better on your body.

After choosing your designs simply materialize your design in to a chart according to arm measurements.

Full Arm Sized Chart - Assembling of tattoo design give you clear idea, how your complete tattoo will look after completion – This is the safe, best and high quality way to do full sleeve tattoo at Angel Tattoo Design Studio

Again with the same procedure of full sleeve tattoo gurgaon studio, in this tattoo done gurgaon branch of Angel Tattoo Design Studio. Simply, first choose your main Design, then choose other tattoo Designs by going to the designer

Then Assemble your designs on one Chart, this will look something like this :

You can also add some regional wordings or famous quotes or dialogue in your full sleeve tattoo as above . After Completion of full sleeve tattoo you can pose in style you want or show off your full sleeve tattoo in your family or friend circle

full sleeve making

Tribal Full Sleeve Tattoo done by Satty in Gurgaon Tattoo studio with 3 sitting on respactable client Ashish

Our Client Mr. Ashish came to us with the idea of getting full sleeve tattoo in his limited time period so, our artist Satty suggested him to get tribal full arm tattoo that will be covering the whole outer portion of the arm with tribal designs. first the finalize the design that can cover the shoulder part. As soon as he catch up final deign, we start start working the shoulder part which took the complete day

Once, the complete main design is done on the shoulder in tattoo form. Our Artist started working on the designing part for rest of the arm. Our Artist Came up with sketch for relevance the upper ( Shoulder ) portion of the of the arm.

In Next sitting Artist started working on the sleeve for tattoing on finalized design. It took 3 complete seesions plus 4 hours complete this sleeve. As the design is customized by our artist so they already have rough idea of how much time will it taking to complete this sleeve tattoo.

These Full sleeve tattooas are done Tattoo Artist - Satty. Please Visit This Page to see more tattoo work done by him.

Another Full Sleeve Tattoo project under work by Satty :

In this full sleeve tattoo, whole sleeve is planned to be completed in 4 sessions, each session of approx 7 hour (including small breaks in between).One out of four session is already done on client.

Concept of this full arm tattoo design is 'peace'. Symbol of peace is placed in joining hairs of loin and side portrait of a lady face. Peace is flowing from top and holding all the components of the design.

Below are some closeup of design components.

Hourglass : Close look at the hourglass will show how things are changing globally; forest, sea, clean earth is changing into world on concrete, and a string of peach flowing from top is trying to stop or slowdown this change.

Hand grenade shows how this is a man made problem.

Lion represents nature in this design; lion with crown is given most priority among peace. Getting lion tattoo in any case is always in trend.

To give the design more personal touch, client was wanting to add his date of birth some where in the tattoo design in roman number. We have added it on a plate hanging from top with a chain. One side of chain is broken by thunder and other side is held by a string of peace.

Customize Full Sleeve Tattoos Designs by Our Artists :-

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